About Us

Western English School Established Since 1987

This school was established in the year 1987 to make changes in the society by educating peoples not only by books, magazines, newspaper but also through thoughts, respects, behaviours and the most important clear concept that direct interact to your mind to heart.

Because we know that whatever we learn through our heart and mind together, we never forget those things. And education is something that protects, beautifies and creates a totally different personality anywhere in the world. We only have to do is that to utilise those knowledges at the right time and at the perfect moment.

We focus to the weakness of our students to work on that and can convert the wekness of the students to the plus points that they can do well in their journey and can utilise their plus points to benefit their journey and can make their journey most beautiful as they wanted. We work on our students to make them success in their life and they can create a good environment arround them.

Western English School

Western English School is english medium school, C.B.S.E based and well establish with all the facilities that a student need in a school. Here all the teachers are well mannered with parents as well as with students too, all the teachers focuses on the weak point of students to make them strong and provides the ability to do things without getting help.

Our moto is to make students a well mannered with good abilities and knowledge to win the world by their own ability.

0 Certified Teachers
0 Students
0 Courses
0 Awards Won

Student Says About Us

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country