

  • To bring about the intellectual and cultural development of children on pshychological lines so as to enable them to become deserving members of a well-educated, civilized and progressive society.
  • To impart moral and behavioural training and discipline by evolving an ideal educational policy and inculcate desirable knowledge mainly through games and sports.
  • To promote, through education, the establishment of a society free from religious and linguistic discrimination.

  • General Rules

  • There is a uniform dress prescribed for the students of the school. It is compulsory for them to come to the school everyday in full school dress.
  • A student who has been absent without application for leave or arrived late shall not be permitted to enter his/her class without the Principal's Permission.
  • Every student is expected to bring credit to his/her school and his parents by his/her good conduct. It shall be imperative for him to show common courtesy in his speech and behaviour and observe rules of personal cleanliness.
  • A student who causes damage to school property shall have to make good the damage.
  • The school shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to the dress, books or money of any student in the school. The students are expected to look after their own things. They are advised to bring no money with them.